The Rumi Foundation

All at Lady Lori take an active interest in the many good causes initiatives and charity foundations instigating projects that benefit Africa and it’s peoples, and is pleased to be able to bring your attention to the work of The Rumi Foundation, based in the UK. The Rumi Foundation is the family foundation set up by Rumi Verjee whose family were victims of the Asian exodus from Uganda under Idi Amin and who, as an aside, still feels a deep sense of attachment to the region (and retains a home in Lamu).

In Africa – alongside other projects in South America and India – the foundation has funded the Kisayake Children’s Trust. (Pictured here).

Launched in 2005, this UK-based charity helps in the relief of poverty, suffering and disease in Africa. Its first major project has been to develop a paediatric hospital and treatment centre in Mbale, Uganda, for children affected by HIV/AIDS. The first of its kind in the region, the hospital opened its doors in 2009. While it currently offers out-patient facilities there are plans to develop it further as a centre for training in paediatric HIV and related subjects. It will also provide a much-needed focus for outreach services to rural areas, where a combination of poor infrastructure and poverty prevents families from visiting the hospital.

Via: The Rumi Foundation
