‘The Great Migration’ by Carlo Mari and Harvey Croze

The golden plateau of the Masai Mara is a sanctuary for African wildlife and the stage for one of the most extraordinary natural phenomenon in the world – the wildebeest migration. This book, first published in 1999, captures these animals in photographs, along with other wildlife on the plains.

The acclaimed Italian photographer Carlo Mari has followed these animals for ten years. His photographs capture the dynamism and the courage of the herds, their rhythms, their conquest of new spaces and their struggle to survive and perpetuate themselves.

Although he focuses on the startling beauty and drama of this vast movement of animals, Mari sets it within the context of the whole spectrum of African wildlife; of leopards, hyenas, elephants and crocodiles in particular.

His often breathtaking images show us the precarious equilibrium in which all of these animals live and, together with a text written by the ecologist and zoologist Harvey Croze, tell us of the need to protect them in the ever-changing environment man has created.

via: carlomaristudio.com



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