‘Matatu Project’ by Dennis Muraguri

An exhibition by Kenyan artist Dennis Muraguri is currently on at Le Rustique Restaurant in Nairobi until 22nd February.

It’s Maraguri’s first solo exhibition in Kenya; He uses several different mediums/styles including wood cuts, newspaper and comic format to depict different aspects of how matatus feature in Kenya.

Matatus are a constant sight in Kenya and an icon of all its cities and towns.

As well as being the main mode of transport, they also provide ‘street theatre’ especially when running from the police and at the same time as competing for customers!

There is also a creative side to the matatus . This involves “souping up” or upgrading the bus to attract more customers using heavy decorative paintwork, stickers and labels derived from current local and international brands mostly in the entertainment industry, loud music and plasma screens. These kind of matatus are called “manyangas” and are most notorious for wreckless driving and overcharging.

Muraguri says: “As an artist, I felt for a long time coming with a body of work showing matatus: they are exciting to observe especially the drama surrounding them ,from the fact that they feed a lot more people than those directly involved mostly through extortion and bribes,  their relationship with our social texture to how they evolve to beat laws put in place, all is fertile territory for me”.

Le Rustique Restaurant lends its walls to paintings exhibited mainly by Kenyan artists. Exhibitions change every 4-6 weeks.


Via: African Colours