Lady Lori: ‘Africa By Air’

It’s an exciting day today, Lady Lori’s new brochure/book ‘Africa By Air’ is back from the bookbinders and it looks fabulous!

We’re looking forwards to getting it out to our key clients and agents and getting their feedback on it.

The book provides an overview of our fleet and services, and this text bookends a fabulous photo essay detailing Africa from our own unqiue perspective; whether that be from the air, or from the many otherwise inaccessible places that we regularly fly our clients to.

What’s even more exciting is that we are genuinely honored to have been provided with a Foreword to the book written by Kenya’s Prime Minister Raila Odinga, and a longer Introduction written by the world renowned paleontologist, conservationist and campaigner Dr Richard Leakey.

For more information regarding ‘Africa By Air, please contact Lady Lori.

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