Hannes Lochner Wildlife and Nature Photography

I was so impressed with these black and white shots of the very talented South African photographer Hannes Lochner, especially this incredible first image that captures a lone male lion emerging from the tall grass.

Hannes Lochner has devoted the past two years to documenting the majestic  inhabitants of the Kalahari desert. Spanning 350,000 square miles and covering much of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa, the desert is only arid in parts, which enables wildlife to florish.

Despite the colourful nature of his subjects, Lochner has shot the entire project in black and white, saying: ‘What I always try to do is get a sense of personality out of the animals, some emotion. Black and white has a lot more emotion for me.

Via: thesundaytimes






