David Attenborough’s urgent appeal to save the eastern lowland gorilla

David Attenborough, Vice President of the International Conservation Charity Fauna and Flora International, ran an urgent appeal over Christmas in a number of UK newspapers to raise £82,200 to help save the critically endangered eastern lowland gorilla.

Found only in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the eastern lowland gorilla faces extinction if urgent work is not carried out to help save the remaining 2,000 or so gorillas left.  Fifteen years ago there were 17,000 gorillas.

The gorillas face many threats to their survival including a major expansion of agriculture and pastures, mining for gold and coltan (a mineral used in making mobile phones – for more info on this specific issue see our previous post), hunting and the trade in illegal bush meat.

The charity appeals to raise £82,200 to carry out vital scientific surveys in the Maiko and Kahuzi-Biega National Parks in DRC in order to start monitoring the population.

We at Lady Lori wholly endorse this appeal and beg our own site vistors to make a donation to the appeal by clicking here.

