
Some of Africa’s best wildlife parks, including the South Luangwa National Park at Mfuwe, and most exciting natural attractions reside in Zambia. From the Victoria Falls to the Zambezi River, this is a beautiful, fertile country with waterways that are rich in fishing opportunities and a diverse array of bird-life.


Located on the Zambeze river, Victoria Falls are considered by many to be among the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, you simply cannot miss the Victoria Falls. At 1,708 metres wide, the Victoria Falls is the single largest sheet of falling water in the world: a stunning feat of nature.


Alongside the north-west bank of the Zambezi River nestles the Lower Zambezi National Park. This is now one of Zambia’s premier parks, complete with breathtaking flood plains and dense miombo woodland. Take a boat ride along the river itself, and keep watch for paddling elephants!