Republic of South Sudan
Sudan offers one of the biggest pieces of untouched Africa – sparse forests, curving river bends, and thick green forests surround the entire area. With its national parks, game reserves, and variety of wildlife, it’s is a perfect destination for animal watchers and safari lovers.
The most famous and unique protected area, and unique in the sense that it has the biggest migration of three species, the tiang, white eared kob and managalla gazelle estimated to almost 800,000 animals. The vegetation which consist of grassland, woodland and wooded grassland support dense population of tiang, zebra, harte beast, buffalo, giraffe, managalla gazelle, roan antelope, hippos and many other species.

Southern Sudan smallest and popular national park, located on the border with Uganda, it was established in 1954 mainly for the protection of now extinct white rhino, elephant and for it is scenic beauty. A large variety of other game species such as hippos, Uganda kab, baboom, warthog, crocodile and birds are also found in the Park. One of the added attractions are the Fulla Rapids suitable for white water rafting.

The nearest Park to Juba, the capital of South Sudan just two hours driving. The Park is renowned as an animal refuge during the dry season. The vegetation of the park is dominated by wooded grassland which offer prime grazing to a huge number of species such as giraffes, elephants, managalla ghazell, ostriches, bush bucks, besides the lions, cheetahs and hyenas.