Animal Charity Rescues Orang-utan Pair From Bounty Hunters

This is the second blog post I’m adding this week not directly related to Africa, but I thought it would be worth sharing this moving article about a pregnant orang-utan and her 5 year old daughter who were rescued from death at the hands of a group of ruthless Borneo bounty hunters.

The second image shows how a group of bounty hunters with bush knives entrapped the pair, who were found near Kalimantan in Borneo, in a circle and moved in for the kill.  Animal charity ‘Four Paws’ came to the rescue only just in time, a few minutes later and the animals could have been death.

The charity alleges that certain oil companies, who see the orang-utans as a pest, are offering local people the equivalent of £70 as a reward for killing the animals.

Deforestation is another major threats for the orang-utan. In several decades the orang-utan population has shrunk from 250.000 to only 50.000.

The charity released the pair elsewhere in Indonesia, in a safer area, and will be monitoring them to ensure that they will both adapt to their new home.


Via: Daily Mail



